Success is a false notion..Nobody can tell, how successful you are..There is no parameter..There maybe some set social norms, but is there anything universal, which can be labelled as 'true success'?..Generally we don't hanker after same things..Everyone's aspiration is different..You choose where to be..Every time when we achieve something, we desire for more..Hence, the idea of success keeps slipping away throughout the journey..One maybe having the best of jobs, partners or wealth, but that doesn't necessarily make anyone the most successful person..because in spite of possessing best of things, one may not be joyful and satisfied.. Success comes from within..It depends on how you live day by day..Are you grateful and happy to be alive or are you complaining all the time?..Do you see yourself learning and growing every day or are you slam dancing to fate's tune?..Only you know how successful you are..Always keep that judgement to yourself and n...
Let's bring out the Hero in you..