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Showing posts from May, 2018

Take one more step

Rise from the ashes like a phoenix..Embrace life, whenever you are knocked down..Our soul is not contained within the limits of our body, our body is contained into the limitlessness of our soul..Big possibilities only open up, when the small burns down..Every perforation leads to separation into strong individuals..Whenever there is an urge to give up, take one more step..Believe in yourself and success would be at your Nelson Mandela said, "It always seems impossible until it's done"..Fix your eyes on the goal and enjoy your journey to success, its more glorious and spectacular than the destination itself..

In pursuit of pain

Transform your pain into a possibility..Turn the suffering into power..If you intend, all the tears, traumas and troubles can make you do things which aren't possible otherwise..It's good to have some kind of lacuna in our lives..It means that we have an empty space, which can be filled with bright colours..When we are not satisfied with our present, we are restless, confused and miserable..It compels us to explore in different directions..and we find ourselves on a road less traveled..If we keep striving, new significant gateways start opening up..Things which we have never imagined for ourselves, become possible at this moment..Intensity of our feelings and restlessness accelerate our growth magnificently..Therefore, metamorphose every problem, struggle, or unhappiness into a stepping stone because pain is a real blessing in disguise..